Cheap Now : Moen YB5808BN Icon Pivoting Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel
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Now Sale ... Cheap Price Now! Moen YB5808BN Icon Pivoting Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel !!!

@@@ Product Details : Moen YB5808BN Icon Pivoting Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel
- Brushed nickel finish provides a lightly brushed warm grey metallic look
- The pro-fit installation system eliminates set-screws for faster, more durable mounting
- Includes a template with a built-in level
- The innovative, spring-free design makes changing the roll quick and easy.
- Limited lifetime warranty
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@@@ Moen YB5808BN Icon Pivoting Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel - - Review by Christopher
I gotten Moen YB5808BN Icon Pivoting Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel - product a week ago. It has worked exactly as promoted. Great product. User welcoming to the idea that I did not need to have to look over any guidance to operate. Checked the distances with other items and seems to be very reliable. Delighted I made the buying. I would highly recommend this product to you.

Buy Now! Moen YB5808BN Icon Pivoting Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel